What are we looking for?
IDVAs are trained workers who support high-risk victims of domestic violence, those victims who are more likely to be seriously harmed or killed by their partner. We believe that funding these workers is a key part of helping victims of domestic violence.
We are looking to fund IDVA posts within established services or projects dedicated to helping victims of domestic violence. These projects must be able to demonstrate a need for the funding, either because a previous funding opportunity is no longer available or if this is a new post.
How do we fund?
We believe that our grants should make a lasting impact and as such we don’t believe in funding a role for less than two years.
We do however look for partner funders and ask you to apply to us where another funder has already been secured or will be secured. Priority will be given to applications that are able to demonstrate that a match funder has been secured.
We work with the posts that we fund in order to ensure that they are at their most effective. Should you need non-monetary help from us we will endeavour to help in any way that we can.
Please note that we look to fund the IDVA work, we will not be able to fund any research, management or monitoring associated with the role.
How do I apply?
Our applications are currently closed. If you have submitted an application to us we will get back to you soon.